Thursday, April 29, 2010

Hi there! So here we are ready to go! We're leaving in the morning and we plan to have a great time.
We decided not to post the blogs to Facebook because of the security risk. So--feel free to follow us through Google or use the link to access the blog any time.

Off we go! Love to all.....Neal and Lou Anne

Monday, April 26, 2010

Harvey brings a lady......

After a few days of visiting our back yard solo, Harvey the Muscovy Duck brought his lady. Our next door neighbors promptly named her Matilda.
Will we have little baby ducks by the time we return????
Stay tuned!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

More Preparations

Happy Birthday to Lori!!
Our trip is getting closer! Over the past few days we've been reviewing our AAA Triptix and reading the books about each state we will go through. We got an extra battery for the camera and we should be all set.

We hope you enjoy our vacation blog--

Friday, April 16, 2010

Hi there! Meet Harvey --he's a Muscovy Duck. Harvey seems to have adopted Neal as his benefactor. He hangs out under our tree and monitors the bird feeder! I told Neal we could leave the refridgerator at home and take the duck..............

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Getting Ready

Thanks, Amanda, for the suggestion to create a blog! It's a great idea.
Now that we are two weeks to departure, we are starting to get ready.
We've cleaned the garage, trimmed the bushes and replaced 6 sprinkler heads.
We plan to travel light, which probably means we will be SICK of our week's worth of clothes real soon.
I wish I could pack my Pilates instructor!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Westsern Adventure 2010

Welcome to our Western Adventure! We leave in 3 weeks. We will be travelling 10,000 miles over 20 states. We invite you to visit our blog and follow our travels and favorite "daily pictures"